If you have ever been to a yoga class or seen some earthy crunchy types walking around you've may encountered this word, Prana, before. This is not some mystical cult or voodoo magic that is practiced by a secret society. It simply means energy. Energy is the one thing that exists and has always existed, as far as we can tell. There is no explanation for it, energy is just there and always will be! I like the word Prana, because it sounds cool and I got admit I own a couple of those shirts with the cool logo I posted above.
The Kripalu Psychologist Stephen Cope describes Prana like this:
Prana is life force - the stuff of those million, zillion stars circling and exploding. Human beings receive it directly into the body through the air. We take it in other ways as well - through live foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, through fresh water, through living, breathing, trees and vegetation, and, if we are open to it through the love of other people and creatures. We probably take it in more mysterious ways, too, I think - through music, the sound of inspiring words, and perhaps through beautiful sights
Prana - is the first and most essential nutrient. In many ways Prana is what this blog is all about. As Mr. Cope said we can get prana from eating fresh and living foods but also through a myriad of other ways. Make sure you are getting your daily reccomended dose of Prana each and every day. Consider the amount of energy that is pulsing through your food when you are packing or picking out a lunch. Ask yourself if you are actually breathing in enough air each and every day. And for Prana's sake laugh and give someone a hug...even if it is just your dog....or a tree...just do it! Okay, maybe I've been wearing these Prana shirt's a little too much but I guarantee it will make you feel better.
Stay Positive,
Very thoughtfull post on wellness. It should be very much helpfull
Karim - Creating Power
yoga like sucks and stuff.